Precautions for Babies Eating These Fruits_hair milos forman

Release time:2023-10-20 16:22

Precautions for Babies Eating These Fruits_hair milos forman

Babies, like adults, enjoy eating various fruits. Summertime is when a variety of fresh fruits flood the market, and the sweet and tasty options are sure to please a baby's palate. However, as much as fruits are wonderful, parents should not allow their babies to overindulge. Parents need to follow proper guidelines to ensure their babies eat nutritionally and healthily.


Consuming an excessive amount of persimmons can lead to the formation of stomach stones in a baby's body, causing discomfort, vomiting, and indigestion. If a baby already has gastritis or stomach ulcers, overindulging in persimmons can potentially trigger severe complications such as gastric perforation or bleeding. So, babies shouldn't eat too many persimmons in one sitting, and they should avoid eating the skin.


Overindulging in sugarcane can elevate a baby's blood sugar concentration, resulting in the appearance of small boils or abscesses on the skin, and in severe cases, it could lead to septicemia. Excessive sugar intake can make a baby's body more acidic, reducing their immune function, and potentially triggering colds or skin infections. Therefore, it's best for babies not to consume more than 50 grams of sugarcane per day.

Citrus Fruits

When eating citrus fruits, parents must ensure that the baby's throat doesn't get obstructed. If this happens, it can be removed with a finger, but in severe cases, immediate medical treatment might be necessary.


It's best for mothers to rinse strawberries thoroughly with tap water. Even after cleaning, it's not advisable to eat them right away. Instead, soak them in lightly salted water or rice water for about 5 minutes. This can help eliminate harmful microorganisms that may be present on the surface of strawberries. When washing, be careful not to remove the stem of the strawberry. If you remove the stem and soak the strawberries in water, any remaining pesticides can enter the fruit, causing contamination.


When eating pineapple, it's essential to soak it in saltwater first. If not soaked in saltwater, and the baby eats it directly, the enzymes in pineapple, known as "bromelain," can irritate the baby's tender oral mucosa and lips, causing a tingling or stinging sensation. Salt can inhibit the activity of bromelain. Therefore, when giving fresh pineapple to a baby, it's best to soak it in saltwater for some time, as this can reduce the irritation of the oral mucosa and lips and make the pineapple taste even sweeter.

By following these precautions and ensuring that the fruits are consumed safely, parents can provide their babies with healthy and nutritious options for enjoying a variety of fruits.
